I'm skewed. Its mostly beginners enthusiasm I guess, but I'm sure my thought process has suddenly become oriented to blogging. I will not be hasty to conclude its addictive(will wait a while for that to happen...). Why is that? If you are hasty skip the next paragraph.
It was a unique experience to be in a nearly empty office caused mainly due to rumors(?) of an aged politicians death, tsunamis striking again, a religious seer commiting suicide etc. (certainly a night of rumors...will come to that later) with my blogging mentor(He is responsible for me troubling you and the entire world with my blog. He is also same the person who infected me with the blog reading habit. In fact most blogs I read are pilfered from his OPML). So much so that our constant hassling somehow convinced even our HR who advised us to leave early. It was unique because the seasoned veteran that he was and the rookie that I am, we were both blogging our experiences of the quake on Sunday. It was really great and a lot of fun.
How am I skewed?
I'm skewed because, I'm on my way home at around 9 in the night and in a small corner of my brain(YES. I have one) I'm apprehensive of what might happen if the rumor of the dying politician becomes a reality but simultaneously(YES. Sometimes I'm capable of that too), I'm also thinking how to convert thi s into a blog entry(For which you will have to skip the rest of this paragraph and move to the next). I would not be making such a fuss of this issue if I had not done one small thing. I'm on the Adyar bridge at around 9.30 and see a lot of vehicles parked to the sides and groups of people are staring below at the Adyar river. My usual course of action would have been to pass them with a superior smirk on my face but instead, I stopped. Walked over to one of the groups and enquired what they were looking at, took a peek at the river myself and having satisfied myself with they expected replies about the water coming back again I continued my way home.
From the interesting lifetime I've spent in Chennai the death of a famous politician is usually followed by a general fear of anarchy and anarchy itself. I think we can draw a parallel to this with the burial system followed by the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt where when the Pharoah dies a contingent of his slaves are also buried with him to slave for him in the nether world. Only difference being the slaves of the Pharoah knew they were doomed to die with the Pharoah but in this case the companions in death for the politicians are totally unaware of their fate. The fate of such innocents(I'm not sure anyone is innocent anymore but...) is in the hands of an angry mob. The group dynamics here are interesting, a group that is synergetic can be constructive and have an IQ of a genius; whereas an angry mob which is also a group harnesses unspent anger is so destructive. Anyway I'm safe for the night and hope all of you were too.
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