Thursday, September 23, 2021


This is an offshoot novella from the main Stormlight Archive series. It takes 2 minor PoV characters from the main series creates an adventure arc for them within the main series. It will be difficult to follow if you haven't read the main series as it assumes prior knowledge of the world, political situation & magic system.

The plot is about an exploratory voyage to a mysterious island which has an oathgate (a means of instantaeneous travel between a pair of oathgates). There are 3 main PoV characters. Lopen a knight radiant who is optimistic & funny in the main series but, we explore his personal introspections. Rysn a merchant lady and owner of the ship who is paralyzed hip-down. She owns a rare larkin that is sick which she hopes to cure on course of this voyage as the larkin was native of the mysterious island. Nikli is a new PoV character introduced in this book and is deeply entangled with the mysteries of the island.

Though it does not have the dramatic ending usually associated with Brandon Sanderson's books it adds to the wordbuilding in the main Stormlight series.

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