Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Hulk

Guess what? Turns out I'm 'The Hulk', I thought I would have been a more sneaky super hero like the Night Crawler or Wolverine. After watching this trailer even the Silver Surfer. But, I'm 'The Hulk' and the world has to deal with that.

Your results:
You are Hulk
Iron Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.The Hulk
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Talent crunch is here

Part of my new job in Bangalore is conducting technical interviews to hire more people. I'm no expert having done at most 5 face-to-face interviews and a around 10-12 telephonic interviews (these don't actually count as I was doing it for a position which required skills that were not even part of my skill-set!!).

That apart I was interviewing candidates with 2+ years of experience for a software engineering position. I think I've interviewed close to 25 or more telephonic and face-to-face together (with the larger chunk now going to face-to-face interviews). I was looking for a programmer who had a good grasp of the concepts and technologies he/she was using and be able to leverage development tools and the internet to get the job done.

I thought it was going to be a walk in the park with Bangalore being the 'Silicon Valley' of the east. I had done a little bit of research as to what sort of questions a 2+ years of experienced guy (like me) would find challenging. I was in for a rude shock. I can fill up numerous blog entries with the wtf answers and antics of the candidates. Slowly I was asking more and more basic questions till I had to finally resort to asking the candidates to write a program for string reversal. Sadly, I have not seen a single implementation of the string reversal program that would either do the job or compile (I've resigned myself not expect both).

I've learnt a lot about resumes in the process especially technical ones, they are a joke. Usually a technical resume will contain a table containing a list of the languages/databases/platforms/web servers/application servers/what not that the candidate has experience in (some cases the experience in months or years may even be mentioned) the only criteria for a candidate needs to add a new item to that list is simply whether or not he/she knows that expansion of that particular acronym.

One of my roommates is an HR executive in a well known multinational software company and I asked him if they were facing the same problem and he they have lots of vacancies open and were not finding the right persons too. Market research has also found that even though there is a surplus of qualified persons there are just not enough of them who are employable. This does not bode well for India's plans of becoming a software hub. How do we solve it? Well, I don't know. But, people realizing that they need to become more competent in whatever they are currently doing might help, I think.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Changing lanes

It has been 2 months since my last blog and a lot has happened meanwhile. I quit the first company that cared to hire me some 2 years ago sometime in April 2004 (how they did it is a nice story which I will share sometime later).

I've moved from Chennai to Bangalore and have to deal with staying away from home, washing my own clothes, post job-switch dissonance, bed bugs etc. I moved to get away from my comfort-zone which, is when inhabited for too long can lead to stagnation according to people with more intelligence than I.

2 months later I seemed to have found my comfort-zone again in a slightly different sense. I think I'm doing the same things professionally the only difference being that I'm staying in a different city. I still go late to work, I still wear casuals 4 days a week (it was 5 earlier), I still never start real work until after lunch, I'm usually one of the last persons to leave office etc. Which leaves me wondering as to what I should change next?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Flame of Recca

Animax is going to air 'Flame of Recca' from 8th May 2006. Wow !! I'm a great fan of cartoons and to get a re-telecast of one of my favourite cartoons is gonna be fun (first time I saw it was when I was in college). This cartoon was singlehandedly responsible for a lot of desks in my college having 'Saiha Fire-sword' and 'Madoka Fire Barrier' scratched on them in all the calligraphic glory that I could muster.

Whats so captivating?

Simple really, the main protagnist 'Recca' has fire coming out of his right hand. COOL !! I have been fascinated with fire since I was a little kid. My favourite plaything was a box of matches, with a candle it was divine(wasn't too popular with my parents because of that ;)...). When I was visiting my native place (which, thank god did not have electric water heaters...) I used to spend hours sitting before the stove feeding the flames (dried coconut shells, coconut choir, firewood, old rags, paper...), heating up water for everyone to take bath. Long story short, fire is my favourite element and this guy had it coming out of his hand as and when he wished. The added fact that each flame was governed by a dragon made it simply irresistable.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Smile Aim Shoot

Some time ago when I was in Hyderbad. I went to watch 'Mangal Pandey' at Prasads and while going to the loo saw this poster(for a photo competition) right above the urinal. Whoever though up the pun 'Rock on mate !!' :)

First On-the-Job Lesson

It happened like this.

I was just a few weeks into my first ever job in my life and my boss asks me to accompany him on a meeting. I happily trudge behind him into the meeting. Few minutes into the meeting he passes me a note which says something like "Don't fall asleep. Meetings can be boring". Ofcourse I did not see the truth in that statement till after a while...

Monday, April 17, 2006


Dirty knees...,
Look at these...

This is a little rhyme I picked up from a movie called "The Devil's Rejects" which, by the way is a movie I wouldn't recommend to anyone (If you are a fan of mindless killing, illogical story or bad language go right ahead). Don't worry this isn't a rant about the shortcomings of that movie instead its about situations when I really enjoy a movie.

1. When I miss the good part in beginning of the movie
This may be slightly weird but its true for me (atleast when Star Movies & HBO were available without CAS :(...). In some cases I still do not know the movie title yet !! I think this is mostly because it gives me something to to imagine as to what would have happened earlier which is leading to the current chain of events in the movie. I'm no Sherlock Holmes so I'm usually wrong.
2. When I don't recognise the lead actors
I've an almost encylopaediac memory of most Hollywood actors including those who act in television serials (courtesy Star World :(...) so, this is a really rare case.
3. When its a lazy weekend afternoon
This is the mostly because everybody else is feeling to lazy(napping...) to snatch the remote away from me and, there are no interruptions like pesky telephone calls for the same reason.

Now some movies that I saw in these situations that I liked...

Mockingbird don't sing -- story revolves around a young adolescent autistic(?)(or mentally challenged) girl just on the verge of puberty. Her therapist (a famous doctor) is a firm believer of some hypotheses that states that if such children cannot be taught basic language skills before puberty they can never be trained in the language (or some such thing) and a rookie researcher who develops an attachment to the girl and wants to disprove the hypotheses.

The Game -- about a guy (Michael Douglas) getting a birthday gift from his brother (Sean Penn) who buys it from a company called CRS (Consumer Recreational Services) and the harrowing life changing experiences that he goes through. You wouldn't want a practical joke like this played on you.

3000 Miles to Graceland -- about a bunch of gangsters who are also Elvis Presley look-alike enthusiasts. One (Kevin Costner) even thinks that he is one of the illegitimate sons of 'The King' himself and the softie (Patrick Swayze) who falls for a swindling prostitute (Courtney Cox of 'Friends' fame) and her 'enterprising' young son.

Scent of a woman -- blind man (Al Pacino) takes a adolescent young man on a journey to New York(???) of self-realisation for the both of them.

..... -- goofy lawyer (Jeff Daniels) is forced by circumstance to stand in for a comedian in some remote town (the comedian is left defending some lawsuit which originally had to be handled by the lawyer)...falls for a girl in a trailer (Charlize Theron) who is a college dropout (who decides to stay in a trailer rather than go home after flunking college)

..... -- budding cartoonist who spends an evening comforting a girl who got dumped thinks she's in love with him so, begins working in the girls hostel to further the relationship...even works as a delivery boy in the hostel to find that his affections are returned by the first girls room-mate...exposes the peeping tom hostel superintent and finds true love in the room-mate. Importantly, he has a friend who has weights suspended from his balls in the hope of a better scoring chance ;)

Gattaca -- sci-fi story of a normal human (Ethan Hawke) in a world of genetically engineered humans for specific lines of work. And how he beats the system to fulfil his dream of going to space by borrowing bodily fluids, hair and dead skin cells from a disabled genetically engineered human (Jude Law).

And many more...If you're still wondering what 'Chinese...Japanese...' has to do with any of this well, nothing actually the rhyme was so catchy and had wrapped itself around my head that I got rid of it here :)

Friday, March 10, 2006

All for coming in early?

The day started as any other, I woke up late (no surprises there...), hit office late (as usual), checked mail... Nothing interesting was lined up for the day and there no surprises sprung up either... another boring day in office. The later part of the day seemed more promising and there were some interesting things set to happen. First, I had plans of leaving early by around 4.30-5(which is really unusual for I'm the kind of guy who stays up late in the office just to avoid rush hour traffic...anyway I usually leave office around 9.30-10.30...).

I left sometime around 4.45ish, reached home by 5.20ish much to the surprise of my mom and with time to spare to wish 'bon voyage' to my dad who was going on a short trip to Japan that day. He was travelling with an old friend and colleague so we said our goodbyes at home and he sped off to the airport in the ubiquitous call taxi and I was left at home on a weekday so early in the evening which I've never been before (for a loong time... to say the least). I was supposed to meet an old friend (from college) after a pretty long time (4 years atleast...) only much later at around 9.

With more than 3 hours to kill and having complete disposal of the television (my moms serial saga starts much later...) I realized what I'd been missing all this while. It felt great to be out of office and at home reminded me of the time when I was a kid studying at school. Seeing all those school kids on the way home must have induced that because, usually I only see other office goers. And, my early departure from office gave me the opportunity to look at a lot of kids in bright school uniforms giggling away in all glory (man! do I miss my childhood). Anyway, I din't do anything interesting. Got bored with television (mom was not cribbing about keeping the volume down or fighting for the remote), drew a complete blank with the days 'The Hindu' crossword (usually on a good day I fill up half of it today, it turns out wasn't gonna be my day :(...), the internet wasn't too interesting as I'd already read up on the interesting feeds of the day in office. Finally, I hit upon and old forgotten habit, reading. I was once an avid reader but fell out of practice lately, and realized that I had quite a few books due to my friends which I'd borrowed long ago with high hopes of completing them in days but lay unattended accumulating dust in my shelf.

So, off I went dusting off one of them and in auto-pilot to my favourite reading spot at home, the balcony only to find it had become a mini storeroom of junk. I've spent hours languishing in the balcony doing whatever I did reading, homework, brooding... but, since I had been coming late just in time to eat dinner and sleep my parents had taken over and filled it with junk. So, I went to the next most comfortable spot the bedroom to catch up on some reading. I was pretty restless and had to take quite a few snack breaks wiping out a large quantity of snack my mom usually hoards up for my dad and me. But, I did put in a good 2 hours on my reading :)

My friend whom I was supposed to meet at around 9 that day called in at around 7.30ish to say he was already free and could improve on the meeting time and would ping me after coming near my neighborhood. Now, he has come to my house only once or twice and I was confident he wouldn't remember it and I was right (ok only technically he only did not remember which door but came to the exact block). By 8.30 we were heading on his bike to our age-old hangout 'Elliots Beach'. We parked just outside Planet Yum's outer wall facing the skating rink (remember that, its important...). We were in and out of Planet Yum with cold coffees for each in about 5 minutes and were on the beat strolling up and down the walkway.

We had a lot to talk about since we'd had very little contact from the time he'd gone to Germany to study and later moved to New York to work. Emailing had never been our forte and my friend was notorious for abandoning email ids. I came as no surprise to me that he had meet a quite a few of our other classmates and knew a lot more about what each was doing than me who hadn't left the shores of Chennai. I think the distance from home and the foreign land have something to do with that, guys who have gone to study or work have always found time to meet up. I guess they have a better incentive for that ;). I also found him to be more confident of himself than he was before. He spent a lot of time trying to convince me to move ahead and see the world and stop wasting my time here(nothing new there I get a lot of that and I personally do dole out such stuff at people willing to listen). Plus we reminisced a lot of the time we spent in college carefree and clueless wondering how we reached where we were with no conscious effort from us. I filled him up on how I got hired (a story by itself) and he filled me up on how he spent his time alternating between studies and clubs and later slogging for a paltry €300 as a Delphi programmer and finally how a chance chat conversation landed him in his current job (and subsequent migration to New York). Meantime one other friend from our class who had just gone back after his 2 week vacation here in Chennai called up from Minneapolis and we congratulated him on his excellent timing and had a whale of a time over phone.

We had walked the length of the beach thrice(2 legs to and fro...), our coffees had long run out and it was almost 11PM when we decided to go home after making plans to meet up after the weekend for which he had other plans. So, off we went to Planet Yum to pick up his bike in which he was planning to drop me home. We reached there to find one single bike standing which wasn't my friends'. We are both not much of panickers and inquired with the security guard if any vehicles got towed away or saw any suspicious activity around the parked bikes. The security guard coolly said he wasn't responsible for any vehicle parked outside the compound, which is where any parking was if ever was being done.

I was secretly feeling guilty and sorry for my friend but, he was taking the whole thing quite coolly. He calmly informed his parents of the loss and tried comforting me! saying, there was nothing to be done about any of this(which is true) and there was no way of preventing such a thing beforehand. In a futile attempt, we decided to look through the entire length of the beach for the now missing bike. We decided to file a complaint at the police box found near one of the junctions of the beach and went across to find it locked and empty. We took an auto to the nearby Beasant Nagar police station to file a complaint.

This was actually my second time for giving a complaint for a missing (stolen) vehicle, the first time was when somebody stole my own bicycle. The general mood of the policemen in both the instances was no different, they first tried to convince us that we had probably left the bike somewhere else and forgotten all about it so, we should go back and look for the vehicle ourselves. A constable spent a good 10 minutes of his time trying to do this and advised us against filing a complaint. He even suggested that we wait near the spot where we parked the bike to see if there were any other bikes that had been abandoned as its original owner had mistakenly taken my friends bike. We persisted in filing a complaint and were directed to the writer.

The writer too gave the exact same suggestions and some more after inquiring how much petrol was left he suggested miscreants might have taken it for a joyride and would dump the bike once petrol ran out. There were two other policemen in the room and they too joined in this fun(?). They even tried to convince us to wait till the morning to see if some irate guy turned up after having mistakenly take the bike in question. It took some more insisting for them to note down the registration number of the bike on the back of some notepad claiming they would look for it during their nightly rounds. My friend and I were rapidly losing interest and confidence in their speech. By which time my friends brother-in-law who was a high-court lawyer advised him over phone to file a complaint if possible or wait till the morning to file a complaint as the policemen suggested. We took the policeman's suggestion of going back to see if the single left out bike was probably abandoned. We arrived just to see a young couple depart on that bike. Our auto driver meantime was filling us up with stories of similar incidents in the area and his own experience with a particular deserted wallet that contained cash.

Realizing there was nothing more to be done we ended up giving the registration number and my friends phone number to the security guard and the auto driver on the auto driver's insistence that he would keep watch for my friend's bike. We headed back to my house in the same auto and for want of something better to do I dropped my friend back to his house at almost 12. He seemed not too worried about the whole incident and claimed that the night was going to be a memorable one to be remembered with nostalgia in later meetings. I did agree with him on that but wished something else; something nice had happened... it is of course wishful thinking. Adversities usually leave a deeper mark on our memories when all the fun and joy merge into one happy halo. I can still recall how ashamed I felt standing out (with the guy who called) of class just few months into college while all the fun moments we spent together seems like a more continuous nebula of time where individual incidents are blurring with time.

So, was this eventful day due to some juju of coming in early? I must admit a lot of old stuff, books and friends were rejuvenated and I had fun but, still feel I would have felt better if March 10th 2006 din't have to end the way it did.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Voyeur !!

Not too long back I was on my bike heading for work. Its a long ride and most days I get through it on autopilot. This particular day I was not far from home and autopilot had not engaged yet when I spied a (pretty? (din't get a chance to check that out though)) lady on a scooterette. She had a nice long plait and (which caught my attention) a pretty low backed blouse which set me off into thinking its better off naked. Precisely when I was going to construct a mental picture of that I remembered something I'd seen long ago on a television serial called "Blossom" which used to be aired on DD2 (Does anyone remember that ? :/).

Anyway that serial had a central character called Blossom(?) (you ofcourse din't me to tell you that ^_^). Now (completely on autopilot with regards the road), the thing I remembered about this serial is that in one episode our heroine/protagonist has to make a presentation to her class and like you and me is afraid n' anxious about it. Her dad (Ted Russo ? don't remember his screen name that all too well!) gives her a pearl of advise namely to imagine her class is naked and hence reduce her anxiety (dunno how? I've tried it and it doesn't seem work for me, I just end up fantasizing :(...) and it works for her. So, the point is that I aim big and try to picture the entire road with all its traffic naked which if you've tried is an arduous undertaking on which I lost interest and latch on to the serial instead.

I really used to enjoy watching that serial when it was aired now, I can't even remember Blossoms' last name (or her real name). Then I remember that one of the guyz who used to act as her brother (Joey ? I think was his screen name) had a brother (who had the same last name atleast and looked alike) was the main protagonist in another serial (that I used to follow again on DD2) called "Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad" (SSCS). SSCS was all about a gang of four students who are also part of a band who can also project themselves into cyberspace as superheroes and fight viruses !!

From this connection the connections part of my brain kicks in and tells me that a look-alike + same last name girl starred in "Xena Warrior Princess" as Xena's trusty sidekick which I carefully set aside for later googling. Then I start to wonder that I'm having great recollection of television serials that day when the next serial connect hits me. Its from one of my all time favourites "Friends". Its between Ross & Rachel when they've officially split/taken a break, Ross I think is trying to take Rachel to a Doctor for something and Rachel has to undress and asks Ross to leave. Ross replies that all he has to do to see Rachel naked is close his eyes and closes them to which Rachel starts objecting...etc.(its actually a lot funnier than that onscreen :))

Then ??? Well nothing... something happened that momentarily snapped me back from autopilot and I only frequently thought about it and decided it was worth a try to blog and here it is.

Keeping the word

My casual statement about my blogging being "beginners enthusiasm" has come true. Its been more than a year since I graced this blog with a post. Mostly because I was too lazy and sometimes because I wasn't sure if something was bloggable and had reading value. Well, I can't throw caution to the winds, the reality of getting dooced[2] is pretty real ;).